CPS specializes in designing and maintaining computer systems. We offer consulting services, while helping with Internet connections, networks, computer systems, data storage and safety, third party software, custom software, data entry, and offer many more services. Whether you already have a computer system or are in need of a new one, we can help.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Few Short Weeks Until Windows 7 Reaches End Of Life
The year 2020 is only days away and with a new year, comes many new changes to occur including some in the technology world. One of the
biggest changes to expect is the end of life support for the beloved
Windows 7 operating system. What does it mean exactly for the end of life? Many consumers are under the impression that their PC will no longer function and therefore “die”, however, the computer will continue to perform daily tasks but will shortly become outdated with no new updates to keep it optimal and secure for your tasks. The last security update will be released on January 14, 2020 and Microsoft is continuing to urge its users to upgrade their software to the newest available.
According to the article,
there are roughly 28% of windows users still using Windows 7
currently. It is important to adapt to the new upgrades/ changes as time
continues on and there are many helpful tools available online or at
your local computer store that can help guide you through the process.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Jetpack Plugin Creates Security Flaw for WordPress Websites
Website owners
and admins are being strongly urged to update to the latest version of
Jetpack 7.9.1 for security risks that have been an open vulnerability
since the older version of Jetpack 5.1. Some people may be wondering
what Jetpack plugin is or what is it used for. It is a widely used
WordPress plugin for websites to provide free security with features to
optimize a website’s performance, create site backups, and run
preventative scans for infections as needed. To read more information
about Jetpack and the effects of this vulnerability, more can be read in
this article.
Although this new information can sound very alarming, many users that
were currently using an outdated version of Jetpack have already been
automatically updated to the most recent update but it is always
important to manually check your website and make sure that this update
has been applied to your specific account as well.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Marketing Your Business Through Social Media
It is very important for a business to choose proper marketing strategies to invest in their company to be successful. One of the most useful and cost-effective marketing tools inside of digital marketing a small business can use to reach their target audience is through social media. What makes social media so powerful for marketing? It has been studied that over 97% of businesses are using it to reach their audiences, below are several reasons why.
Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming, and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Your Customers and Competition Are on Social Media
One main reason for small businesses to be utilizing social media for their marketing strategies is the fact that many of your customers are spending their time on these channels already. Studies have shown that 70% of the U.S population has at least 1 form of social media accounts created. With the great mass amount of people accessing these platforms, sometimes even multiple times each day, it creates a great opportunity for businesses that are wanting to reach online audiences. Not only are your potential customers using social media but so are many competitors. No matter what style of industry, or who the targeted audience is, social media can impact your business marketing. To remain competitive is important to build a presence online in social media to present your brand in a unique way to show your industry expertise and knowledge.Social Media Marketing Is Cost-Effective
Choosing to use social media for your marketing needs will help you cut costs for advertisement without sacrificing results. Social media will cost you time that you invest in creating and posting content more than the actual dollar amount associated. Even just a simple few hours a week focused on your account can see great results. If your company decides to use social media advertising as part of your marketing strategy, depending on the goals of the campaign it can still be inexpensive to run paid ads on media such as Facebook and Twitter.Improve Search Engine Rankings
When increasing your online appearance through social media, there is a good chance you are also, in turn, improving your search engine optimization at the same time. Search engines such as Google may use social media presence as a factor in website ranking. Brands that tend to be successful have healthy interactive social media accounts that can flag their accounts as valuable and trusting. Search engines also pay attention to behavior on social media that has content with links and social signals, such as likes, and shares associated with the posts as well. Ranking factors are in a constant change but having an updated and well-maintained social media account will typically always bring positive effects.Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming, and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Are Your Downloads Killing Your PC?
Having proper knowledge and routine maintenance for your computers will extend the life of a PC. Installing regular updates for windows or keeping your antivirus up to date are a few helpful downloads that need to be done in order to stay secure. However, there are several harmful downloads that you could install in the background without even being fully aware of it occurring. In the article published by Fox News,
some of the common downloads that can be harmful are discussed more in detail. Often, many users will try to “clean up” their own PCs by
downloading freeware that promises be helpful by speeding it up,
enhancing online experience, or make certain tasks more simple but
unfortunately, it will typically make things a much larger mess than it
was in the beginning and can install malware/viruses and other unwanted
programs that will take up hard drive space and actually slow down the
PC, not speed it up. In life, we typically get what we pay for and should be very conscious of what the word “ree” really entails. If you
need a professional computer clean up or repair, the technicians at CPS are available to always be of help and offer their technical expertise. Give us a call today!
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Difference of a Custom-Made Website
When owning a business, one of your top priorities is to find the best way for your customers to find your company and promote the desired appearance to provide a unique first impression to potential new customers and will create interest for them to reach out to begin working with. The way technology is today, it is important for your company website to display your company in a professional, creative, and responsive way that will set you apart from your competitors. Unfortunately, in the web design market, many phrases of “custom design” are used but not to its true meaning. What makes a website truly custom made? Let us take a closer look at web development and understand what will be the best website for your business needs.
Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming, and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Using Templates
One of the most common ways to start a website is by using a simple site such as WordPress or other companies such as Wix or Squarespace that provide a theme that allows a person to choose different templates that can be purchased and edited with their personal business information. These type of website creations are chosen mostly due to the low startup cost aspect as well as development times are much shorter. However, as with many things in life, you get what you pay for as it's always said. There are disadvantages that should be considered when using these website creators as well. Many other businesses could be using the very same templates that you have chosen so this will remove the uniqueness and will not stand out as much from competitors.Choosing A Custom Design
Quality web design is an art and science incorporated together. The placement of pictures, videos, shortcuts, etc is all arranged in a specific format that has been analyzed for industry trends and to better target a business audience. The main goal of a customized website is for the visitors to gain a complete visual representation of a company and what they have to offer. Having a custom website will also allow the possibilities for specific features to be utilized as well whether you are needing to incorporate e-commerce capabilities or be able to utilize CRM software to input data from a website. Another large aspect that will impact a custom-designed website is your SEO placement. Google can recognize a site’s uniqueness and in turn, will promote a higher rank than a standard template website.Weighing the Options
Making business decisions is not always easy and of course, everyone is always hoping they are making the right choice based on the facts that they are presented with. A company that is just starting out and needs to get a website up fast and inexpensively may get away with a template or website with starter sites available. Keep in mind, these templates should be used as just a simple stepping stone and the only way to reach the top of your business’s potential is by choosing a custom design. Several websites will state that custom website design is dying however that is far from the actual truth. There is no doubt, as time continues on there are more templates being used each day but this will only give a custom-designed website even more of an advantage, it’s better to stand out than to blend in with the rest!Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming, and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Which Platform is Better? PHP or Java?
The web development industry is constantly changing it is important for web programmers to understand and learn and multitude of different programming tools and languages to continue to create unique and custom websites that are both mobile friendly and responsive to users. Two of the larger coding languages that are well known are PHP and Java which are equally popular and do many of the same functions. A question that is often wondered by business owners is what type of website will be best to use? In the article, a list of pros and cons such as cost, compatibility, speed, ease of learning and other general differences between these two languages to help you better understand which code will be best for your site. Still uncertain which type of website you are looking for? CPS specializes in custom website programming that our team of experts can sure to answer all of your questions.
Friday, September 27, 2019
AI Technology Is Changing the Digital Marketing World
When thinking of future technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one that we believe is coming soon. Wrong, AI technology is already here, and it is already changing how many businesses perform and this is now including the digital marketing industry as well. AI-based tools are designed to optimize campaign planning, predictive analysis, automation services, and other decision making. These tools can be very helpful and can increase productivity while reduce time spent researching what AI- based tools can provide. In the article, is further discusses how AI technology is impacting digital marketing and how to utilize their platforms to start using AI tools for your own business needs. Digital marketing is rapidly changing, and it is important to stay up to date with new strategies to implement for your business to continue to thrive and grow.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Benefits Of Managed IT Services for Your Computer Needs
Running a business of any size is no small task for a person to accomplish. It can be quite stressful to always be deciding what is best for the company and finding new ways to make it more profitable and efficient. Knowing the ins and outs of your business is key to being successful but what happens when you require additional services such as computer IT that personnel at your business are not familiar with? We live in a world full of computers that are designed to make our lives and businesses easier to run and maintain but when the systems potentially go down or need upgrades as time continues to change rapidly with technology you will find there is a new problem to resolve. Outsourcing your IT needs or more specifically using managed IT will benefit your business dramatically and below you will find exact reasons why.
Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Preventative solutions that reduce risk
Every business investment will require some type of risk. When utilizing a managed IT company to service your computer IT needs, much of the risk is removed since you will gain the expertise and knowledge of the professionals in the IT field and will understand the compliance and security issues to be on the lookout for. Also, with the expert knowledge, precautions will be installed and will receive better performance with little to no downtime. Daily system scans are done on the entire network of the company to verify no security issues or will be informed of smaller issues that can be repaired faster than if a problem was neglected and became much larger in turn saving more money.Predictable and Controlled Expenses
A customized plan will be designed by the managed IT consultants to provide the best solutions for your business no matter size if a small business or a global industry leader. Considerations that will help determine the plans that are enough for your company will be details discussed such as budgets, timelines, and future upgrades that are required to take place. Once the proper plan is decided, it will give a peace of mind knowing that your IT will be able to maintain and provide quality service that you will not have to question what will be covered and what repairs won’t. Having managed service providers also help minimize the likelihood of inconvenient, and sometimes very expensive network disasters.Quicker Service
When businesses work with managed IT consultant’s they will receive the quickest response time support. Wide range of services include 24/7 system and network monitoring, server/ workstation installation and maintenance, security audits, employee troubleshooting and much more. At CPS, we also have a customer support portal that allows customers to request immediate support through in house IT ticket system that consultants can receive day or night. Proper monitoring of systems will inform your IT professionals when an issue is found before it becomes a large issue to save more downtime as well. Communication with software and hardware vendors can be done directly through managed IT company so that a business owner does not have to take additional time trying to understand technical terms or complicated conversations.Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
What Exactly Is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is a very broad term. In the age where
computers run our entire lives, most people not working in the industry itself
don’t know the full reach that digital marketing encompasses. On the outside it
seems, at its most simple, to be the act of increasing
more online exposure for a business or brand. That is essentially what
digital marketing is, but it really is so much more than that. Let us explore
some major
elements of digital marketing to more properly understand the scope of it
as both an industry and an idea in and of itself.
Email marketing:
marketing is an extremely popular form of digital marketing that only gets
stronger over time. The benefits of this method are vast but among the most
important is the fact that it is in real time. When compared to print marketing
such as fliers and posters, email marketing does not require outside factors
like print shops to create and deliver the material. Marketing through email is
a quick process that keeps you and your client more up to speed and regular, so
nobody gets left behind with content and material.
Search placement:
placement can also be called “search engine optimization” or “SEO”, but all
mean roughly the same thing: making your company’s website more searchable on
the internet. Since the act of searching for something via search engines like
Google takes up the great majority of online searching activity, it’s crucial
that your website shows up in results after specific keywords relevant to your
business are searched. With tools such as Google
Ads companies can keep track of keywords people are searching and where
their own website ends up in those searches. Companies can use these metrics to
shape and evolve their online presence to better place on the most popular
search engines online.
your company collects and understands some great keywords that puts their site
high up on Google’s search results, you can use those keywords to create a blog to further utilize those terms. When
writing articles for a blog, it can benefit your website greatly when you have
articles that incorporate those important keywords because doing so puts more
links to your site in the search results that aren’t your specific homepage. If
a potential customer is searching for a certain service you provide but doesn’t
know very much about the service, it benefits both you and the customer if your
site can provide a blog article directly explaining the nature of that service.
Keeping up with blog posts weekly or monthly provides a database of specific
topics any potential customer can find through searching for similar topics.
The more blog posts you post, the better exposure the website should get in
program like Google
Analytics can give any business owner the keys to a wealth of metrics and
data that can give that owner a much better understanding of who visits the
site and what their goal is to visit. If your company targets a certain demographic
using analytics can make it easy to see charts and tables of data directly
related to that exact audience. Analytics can also open your eyes to a possible
wider spectrum of audiences you may not have expected, which you can then use
to grow your business. Simple metrics like age range of the visitor or even
which mobile device was used to visit can help any business alter any methods
to target the audience best suited for their product.
Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company
that specializes in Custom
Development, Managed
IT Services, and Digital Marketing.
All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server
builds and workstations, custom software programming and phone app development,
to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide
results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Digital Marketing Trends Not to Be Ignored In 2019
Marketing trends have changed more in the last 5 years than any other prior period of time and don’t show any signs of letting up anytime soon. No longer can marketers rely solely on a campaign of generic paid advertisement or perform basic website optimization; in 2019 the digital marketing landscape has expanded to encompass detailed SEO, Social Media Integration, Content Marketing, detailed Paid Advertising, and more. No longer can we dismiss the reality of artificial intelligence; it is an important part of the future of advertising online. In this installment on the future of digital marketing, we will discuss key trends you will want to implement into your strategic plans.
Digital marketing, just like SEO, is ever changing. No two strategies are the same and therefor there isn’t a one size fits all approach that can be taken when providing comprehensive digital marketing strategies for clients. It is important to keep an eye out and be observant to up and coming trends that are occurring around you.
Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Search Engine Optimization A/B Split Testing
One of the most important trends you will want to implement is the use of A/B split testing. This allows you to isolate variables that increase traffic volumes to your website in an effort to target your approach to changes in website content. Different online tools can be utilized to point out areas of potential, examples where page impressions are high but the CTR is low, to improve in order to increase clicks and traffic.Artificial Intelligence
It is estimated that by the year 2020, AI technology will penetrate almost every new software products and services. AI is effective in analyzing different consumer behaviors and search patterns. Data is pulled from various social media platforms, blog posts, and such in a manner that helps companies understand how customers are finding their products and services.Programmatic Advertising
This type of advertising allows AI to automate the buying of ad products in order to target more specific audiences. Real-time bidding opportunities, as with most all real-time strategies, allow more efficient, quicker use of data relating in higher conversions and lower costs to acquire them.Chatbots
Chatbots are computer programs that are designed to simulate conversations with human users via the internet, text, or phone. This would allow your company to be in constant contact with customers, no matter what time or day it is. Chatbots allow for 24/7 responsiveness.Personalization
In order to stand out above your competitors it is crucial that you personalize your marketing approach including content, emails, products, services, and more. Generic ads are annoying whereas personalized ads are appealing. When emails are sent based on personal behaviors they are at least 3 times more effective in boosting sales than mass e-mail blasts.Video Marketing
Another important trend to prepare for has to do with video marketing which doesn’t just involve YouTube. It is proven that video marketing on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn causes higher engagement with a wider audience.Influencer Marketing
Influencers are well-known celebrities from Instagram and YouTube with a large number of followers. Similar to word of mouth promotion, we are more likely to take recommendations from people we trust. Influencer marketing has been proven to be more effective than corporate advertising.Micro-Moments
These are the times when we turn to devices like smartphones to take immediate action. Moments where we want information right away and do not what to wait for it. Marketers need to take advantage of the moments when people are searching for products, services, or information.Digital marketing, just like SEO, is ever changing. No two strategies are the same and therefor there isn’t a one size fits all approach that can be taken when providing comprehensive digital marketing strategies for clients. It is important to keep an eye out and be observant to up and coming trends that are occurring around you.
Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Era Of Digital Marketing
There is no denying that the constant change in technology has largely impacted how marketing for businesses continues to evolve as well. This new era is now controlled mainly by digital marketing to allow a business to grow and thrive in today's world. An article found on Forbes website, discusses that working with AI software (Artificial intelligence), using automation, big data analytics, and personalization as tools for digital marketing campaigns for the best success. Even more importantly, these tools need to be applied to your business in ways that work best for your company. Knowing the latest trends will not benefit a marketing team without acting to target the right audience. Another key element to digital marketing is continued analysis with constant adjustments to improve your marketing strategy. Technology is a wonderful tool that if used properly, can increase your audience and efficiently save more time in ways that were never possible before. If digital marketing is something your company is lacking, CPS has a team of professionals that are ready to get started on a plan for your company.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Digital Marketing Provided By Professionals
No matter the size of your business whether your company is a multi-million-dollar empire or a smaller mom and pop shop in your local area an important question to answer for your business is how you plan to handle your digital marketing needs. Digital marketing has to do with all online related marketing tools such as social media, reputation management, email/video marketing, SEO, and more. People are constantly connected to the web through tablets, PCs, and phones every moment of the day making digital marketing ever more important. Marketing in today’s world is much different than it was 20 years ago or even 10 years ago for that matter. One big problem business’s run into is they lack the time and knowledge to run their own digital marketing system. There are several reasons to outsource this service as seen in, “3 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Digital Marketing”. Ultimately by allowing a professional in the digital marketing field to focus on the marketing needs of your company, it will, in turn, allow you the ability to focus more intently on running your actual business.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Digital Marketing Seen Through the Eyes Of Each Generation
The year 2019 has continued to change many aspects of the digital world, one large category being media advertising.
Traditional methods have rapidly declined and new research has shown
that 54.2% of the U.S is now focusing on digital marketing. No matter
your type of business or industry, a digital presence is an absolute
must in order to stay active in your target audience’s eyes. The
article, “Generational digital marketing”
provides guidelines to follow for ages seven to 91. This information is
beneficial to any business when looking at creative ways to reach each
category of people you’re looking to target in your business. If
looking for new and fresh ideas for your own business through digital
marketing, contact Creative Program and Systems to meet with our specialist who understand exactly how to reach your marketing goals.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
2019 is Seeing an Increase in Cyber Threats from Malware
The most dangerous aspect of malware is knowing that everyday more and
more variations are created, and that the anti-virus software protection
doesn’t yet know how to recognize and defend against is. In 2018, CPS
saw many companies seized by computer hackers and the ransomware known
as Cryptolocker. Without proper data backups
and procedures in place for security breaches, companies are at a
standstill when computers and data can no longer be accessed. Both
residential and commercial IT users should know the warning signs of a computer virus and that their systems has been infected as well as what computer viruses are currently being seen.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Traditional Marketing Methods Don’t Translate into the Digital Era – CPS Can Help!
Can you even remember what it was like not to have access to
the internet everywhere you went? It is
hard to imagine there is anyone out there that is not using the internet. The number of internet users rises on a daily
basis which has led to a change in the way consumer shop which means that the
way businesses conduct business must also change. Offline marketing is not nearly as effective
as it once was. Because we use marketing
to connect with people when they are ready to buy, where they are ready to buy
it is important that companies expand their reach into the digital world.
There is not really any way to compare print marketing with digital marketing. They are two very different beasts however; in theory they have the same objective – to promote your products or services. They just have very different methods of achieving this end result.
Digital marketing is all encompassing. It includes all marketing efforts on electronic devices and the internet. It allows businesses to use digital channels like Google & Bing (search engines), Facebook & Twitter (social media), Email, YouTube, PPC, and other websites to connect with users.
In order for digital marketing to be effective, a campaign must support the goals of the customer. Connecting with users where they are and when they are ready to purchase online requires a spectrum of tactics and it is up to business owners to decide how each method can be used to market their company.
SEO can be done on a website pages, off of websites, and on the backend of websites.
On page SEO involves content creation, the text which users will reach when opening a page of your website. Keyword research is performed to ensure your content is made up of search terms users are entering to find you. Higher placement on search engines occurs when your website provides the solution to the users need.
Off page SEO involves the creation of inbound links. This is what gives your website authority. The number of links back to your site from outside sources shows search engines that you have clout, which increases rankings for the search terms you care about.
The last aspect is technical SEO. Every website has a backend. There are a number of platforms developers can use to create your website. Here at CPS we use custom coded backends which means that our developers hand code each aspect of your website unlike template platforms like Wordpress that use plugins. This allows us to better focus on the technical aspects of SEO including: image sizing, structured data markup, CSS file optimization (all 3 increase the speed at which your website loads) and Meta tags (which helps with optimization).
All three – On Page, Off Page and Technical search engine optimization are used in Google’s algorithm for placement in their SERP.
Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
There is not really any way to compare print marketing with digital marketing. They are two very different beasts however; in theory they have the same objective – to promote your products or services. They just have very different methods of achieving this end result.
Digital marketing is all encompassing. It includes all marketing efforts on electronic devices and the internet. It allows businesses to use digital channels like Google & Bing (search engines), Facebook & Twitter (social media), Email, YouTube, PPC, and other websites to connect with users.
In order for digital marketing to be effective, a campaign must support the goals of the customer. Connecting with users where they are and when they are ready to purchase online requires a spectrum of tactics and it is up to business owners to decide how each method can be used to market their company.
Examples of Digital Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Content Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Pay Per Click
- Email Marketing
- Affiliate Marketing
- Marketing Automation
- Online Public Relations
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process that is followed when optimizing your website in order to land on the top of the first page of a search engine. The first organic positions have proven to receive more traffic than websites that are placed on the second+ SERP.SEO can be done on a website pages, off of websites, and on the backend of websites.
On page SEO involves content creation, the text which users will reach when opening a page of your website. Keyword research is performed to ensure your content is made up of search terms users are entering to find you. Higher placement on search engines occurs when your website provides the solution to the users need.
Off page SEO involves the creation of inbound links. This is what gives your website authority. The number of links back to your site from outside sources shows search engines that you have clout, which increases rankings for the search terms you care about.
The last aspect is technical SEO. Every website has a backend. There are a number of platforms developers can use to create your website. Here at CPS we use custom coded backends which means that our developers hand code each aspect of your website unlike template platforms like Wordpress that use plugins. This allows us to better focus on the technical aspects of SEO including: image sizing, structured data markup, CSS file optimization (all 3 increase the speed at which your website loads) and Meta tags (which helps with optimization).
All three – On Page, Off Page and Technical search engine optimization are used in Google’s algorithm for placement in their SERP.
Content Marketing
Through the creation of and dispersing of different types of content assets business are able to increase brand awareness, boost traffic, and generate new leads, all of which should lead to more customers. There are several channels to create content marketing including:- Blog Creation and Regular Posting
- Ebooks, Whitepapers, and Case Studies
- Infographics
Social Media Marketing
Through the use of regular updates using social media companies can increase brand awareness, boost traffic, and generate new leads, all of which should lead to more customers. There are a number of different social media outlets that companies can use that all attract users in a slightly different way. I am sure all of you by now have heard of Facebook however there are a number of other SM products including: Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Pinterest.Paid Search & Display Advertising (Pay Per Click, PPC)
PPC is a popular method of advertising your website that involves publishing ads targeted to researched keywords. When the ad is clicked, and a user enters your website you are then charged a nominal fee. Pay per click through Google Ads is the most common PPC. Advertising ads are placed within Google search and display networks which includes Google SERP and YouTube. Placement is determined by your budget, keywords QS, targeted ads, and competition. Other Pay Per Click channels include Facebook, Twitter, & Linkedin.Affiliate Marketing
Performance-based advertising includes when you receive commission for promoting someone else’s product or service on your website. This includes video ad hosting using YouTube Partner Program and posts of affiliate links on your SM accounts.Marketing Automation
This type of marketing uses software to provide basic operations without users entering information uniquely. Software enters repetitive information for users so that they do not have to do it manually in several different locations. These scheduled automatic postings can be done in several previously mentioned areas of marketing including:- Newsletters
- Social Media Posts
- Emails
- Lead-Nurturing Exchanges
- Tracking and Reporting.
Email Marketing
Email is a common method that all companies use in communication with prospective, new, and current clients. Emails can be sent often or infrequently. Emails keep your company in constant contact with people that have previously expressed interest in your business. If you are looking for an inexpensive way to promote an event or upcoming sale an email marketing campaign is a terrific marketing tool to use. There are many types of emails that can be sent including:- Newsletters
- Updated Blog Posts
- A Follow Up to Website Visitors
- Loyalty Program Member Emails
- Customer Nurturing Emails Such as Recipes or Tips
Online Public Relations (PR)
Public relations online is similar to that of PR in the “real” world. It gives business the opportunity to earn coverage through different digital mediums. Traditional PR might include volunteering at a local food bank that a news outlet is covering. You are giving to the community and in return your good will is publicized. Online PR is similar, the channels commonly used include:- Social Media – Talking to journalists on different social media platforms allows you to form relationships and grows your media opportunities
- Online Reviews – Engaging with customers that leave both positive and negative reviews allows you to add a human element to your brand and protect your company’s reputation.
- Replies to Comments – Just as you respond to online reviews, responding to comments left on Blog posts, social media content, and other types of website materials gives you an outlet to engage with and produce conversation that centers around your company website.
Creative Programs and Systems is an all-inclusive tech company that specializes in Custom Development, Managed IT Services, and Digital Marketing. All work is done in-house, we never outsource services from custom server builds and workstations, custom software programming and phone app development, to search engine optimization and paid advertising, our professionals provide results. For more information on CPS check out our website at https://www.cpsmi.com.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
What’s the Difference Between Computer Viruses and Malware?

Malware infections are infecting computer systems and mobile devices at growing rate. Malware is a software program that has been created to cause damage and spread infection from a host system to systems the host comes in “contact” with. Including computer viruses, malware includes various types of software including trojan horses, worms, adware, and spyware. The most aggressive malware, known as ransomware, works to gain financially from computer users.
Viruses: As previously stated, a computer virus is one type of malware on its own. A virus is infectious software code that is used to infect a host system and spreads when it runs. Computer viruses are most often spread when software is shared between computers. It is similar to a parasite in that the virus “feeds” off the host computer and spreads from the host. Once the host shares the virus it then continues to spread to systems that it is shared with. A lot of users with viruses end up with them due to receiving and opening an email that has a virus infection. The more the email is shared, the more systems ultimately become infected.
Adware: Infected software that comes through in the form of advertisements is known as adware. This type of malware that provides advertisements in order to bring in revenue for the source. The infected ad is shown to the computer user and when the ad is installed the system is infected. Adware software is coded in a manner that it uses the sites that users often visit to create related ads. Although all adware does not have the intent to harmful it becomes a problem because it slows down computer function and can be quite aggravating.
Spyware: Software that spies on your online activity and tracks where you go on the internet in order to gather information on the user is known as spyware. Users do not consent to the tracking and often do not know it is running. Spyware is a difficult type of malware to detect. Employers may install spyware programs to monitor the online activity of users. Employer installed spyware software will not spread.
Worms: A worm is a malware type that duplicates itself and annihilates the information and files that are saved on the pc including the operating and data files.
Trojan: Trojans are a virus that has been created in a manner that builds user trust by making them think they are about to tun a safe program. They are designed to steal information and then take over the files within the computer system. In larger commercial settings, Trojans can make network resources unavailable to users when they try to reach it.
Ransomware: The most malicious type of malware is known as ransomware. Users are unable to access the system until they have paid a fee. Often times a pop-up shows on the computer screen which states the user has been locked out. It will state that a ransom fee needs to be paid in order to remove any restrictions that have been placed on the system. Cryptolocker is the most well-known type of ransomware today.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
The Million Dollar Question: How Do I Get My Website on The First Page of Google?
Every business on the internet wants to know how they can get their website ranked well enough to show up on the first page of search engines, mainly Google. It really is a million-dollar question and if the answer was as simple as the question then I would be out of a job however, it is not simple and instead requires a great deal of patience, time, effort, and understanding. The good thing is you are in the right place to start the adventure of 1st page Google rankings and we are the team of experts that can help get you there!
It is important to first understand how search engines like Google work. Many people use Google and the Internet interchangeably. This is however, incorrect. The internet is, “a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.” (https://www.dictionary.com) In real people speak, the internet is the one source where the world can connect without borders. This connection involves search engines, web sites, and more. Google is not actually the Internet and even if your site is not ranking on the first page of Google does not mean it is not showing up on the Internet. What it does mean though is that your website it lives on the internet but is not displayed as an option in Google’s search results for the exact keyword that was searched.
Google is not human, it is in fact an automated system that works 24/7/365 visiting websites throughout the internet. Google takes a glimpse of each page within the website and tucks this information into a large database where it organizes this information into usable data for later search inquiries.
In theory Google is “reading” the content on pages of your website including text, pictures, video, and audio files. This data is used to determine exactly what that page of your website is about and uses it to decide what web pages to show in searches and in what order for specific keywords and keyword phrases. In real speak, Google uses several elements to create an algorithm to establish what pages (websites) within the Internet are the most relevant to the specific phrase that is searched and displays them in order of relevance. These results are known as SERP, Search Engine Results Page; the result, the SERP is defined as the first ten website pages that are shown.
A SERP itself is broken down in a unique format. The top results are usually comprised of paid ads that come from Google Ads, formerly known as Google Adwords. The next section is filled with local businesses listings and a map laying out the locations and basic service area. After that you will find the main area where the organic listings are found. These are the top 10 webpages Google has found that are relevant to the search term(s) as described above.
Often clients are on Google but just aren’t showing on the first page results. There are several factors that play into where your site pages are ranked within Google for searches using keywords and phrases that are relevant. The goal is to rank on the first page but just because you aren’t on page one doesn’t mean that you aren’t “on Google”.
To get ranked by Google your website and pages need to be indexed. This is the case for all search engines not just Google. There are several ways that this can be done: manually through an indexing tool such as Google Search Console or automatically over time as Google is scanning the internet it will find your site. This process can take some time though so if you have a newer site it is in your best interest to have the pages of the site manually indexed. If your page is not showing up in Googles search results for a keyword or phrase you think it should be it is time to evaluate the reasons this is occurring. Remember to look as you may not be coming up on the first page results but instead on a later SERP. Both are “issues” that can be resolved.
I know what you are thinking, “Ok, my site is there on page 17 but how in the world do I get it on page 1 where it will actually be seen?” This is the million-dollar question, it is what all website owners strive for. In fact, so much that there is an entire industry that was created to do this one specific thing, RANK WEBSITES AND PAGES ON GOOGLES FIRST PAGE! As we have mentioned, there are two ways that first page Google rankings can occur: paid advertising (Google Ads) and organic listings.
In our next installment we will dive into each method of reaching Googles front page. The one thing to remember is that if it was easy everyone would be there. The process of ranking on Googles first page through either paid or organic listings is not simple or overnight. It will take time, patience, and perseverance to obtain the status you are looking for with your website. Thankfully you have found right where you need to be! The professionals at Creative Programs and Systems are here to lead the way.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
It is important to first understand how search engines like Google work. Many people use Google and the Internet interchangeably. This is however, incorrect. The internet is, “a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.” (https://www.dictionary.com) In real people speak, the internet is the one source where the world can connect without borders. This connection involves search engines, web sites, and more. Google is not actually the Internet and even if your site is not ranking on the first page of Google does not mean it is not showing up on the Internet. What it does mean though is that your website it lives on the internet but is not displayed as an option in Google’s search results for the exact keyword that was searched.
Google is not human, it is in fact an automated system that works 24/7/365 visiting websites throughout the internet. Google takes a glimpse of each page within the website and tucks this information into a large database where it organizes this information into usable data for later search inquiries.
In theory Google is “reading” the content on pages of your website including text, pictures, video, and audio files. This data is used to determine exactly what that page of your website is about and uses it to decide what web pages to show in searches and in what order for specific keywords and keyword phrases. In real speak, Google uses several elements to create an algorithm to establish what pages (websites) within the Internet are the most relevant to the specific phrase that is searched and displays them in order of relevance. These results are known as SERP, Search Engine Results Page; the result, the SERP is defined as the first ten website pages that are shown.
A SERP itself is broken down in a unique format. The top results are usually comprised of paid ads that come from Google Ads, formerly known as Google Adwords. The next section is filled with local businesses listings and a map laying out the locations and basic service area. After that you will find the main area where the organic listings are found. These are the top 10 webpages Google has found that are relevant to the search term(s) as described above.
Often clients are on Google but just aren’t showing on the first page results. There are several factors that play into where your site pages are ranked within Google for searches using keywords and phrases that are relevant. The goal is to rank on the first page but just because you aren’t on page one doesn’t mean that you aren’t “on Google”.
To get ranked by Google your website and pages need to be indexed. This is the case for all search engines not just Google. There are several ways that this can be done: manually through an indexing tool such as Google Search Console or automatically over time as Google is scanning the internet it will find your site. This process can take some time though so if you have a newer site it is in your best interest to have the pages of the site manually indexed. If your page is not showing up in Googles search results for a keyword or phrase you think it should be it is time to evaluate the reasons this is occurring. Remember to look as you may not be coming up on the first page results but instead on a later SERP. Both are “issues” that can be resolved.
I know what you are thinking, “Ok, my site is there on page 17 but how in the world do I get it on page 1 where it will actually be seen?” This is the million-dollar question, it is what all website owners strive for. In fact, so much that there is an entire industry that was created to do this one specific thing, RANK WEBSITES AND PAGES ON GOOGLES FIRST PAGE! As we have mentioned, there are two ways that first page Google rankings can occur: paid advertising (Google Ads) and organic listings.
In our next installment we will dive into each method of reaching Googles front page. The one thing to remember is that if it was easy everyone would be there. The process of ranking on Googles first page through either paid or organic listings is not simple or overnight. It will take time, patience, and perseverance to obtain the status you are looking for with your website. Thankfully you have found right where you need to be! The professionals at Creative Programs and Systems are here to lead the way.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Software Development For iPhones and Android Using Cordova
One of the greatest challenges of a software development company working with iPhone and Android apps is time to develop on both platforms. While native programming these devices has its positives, rapid deployment of software is crucial in maintaining a profitable business model. Using Cordova (PhoneGap) to achieve this, we have realized 200-300% reductions in time to market. Several of our apps run on Cordova and are available in the Apple Store, Google Play and Amazon.
Cordova allows you to keep one set of source code for both platforms, utilizing HTML and JavaScript. This means you can simply develop your software one time for both devices and deploy. Cordova comes with a breath of plugins from camera management, screen rotation, keyboard pop up, uploading file and more. You install Cordova, add required plug-ins and develop.
Cordova is available here http://cordova.apache.org/
If you really want to speed up design time, you can actually develop your phone or tablet app on a website, using Chrome, FireFox or Edge. Utilizing the CSS and HTML power of real time editing, you will see many apps can be produced in 1-2 days. This allows for greater profit margins, less stress, and an ease on deadlines.
We have developed a technique to do just that. By using the code below, you will disable Cordova (PhoneGap) in the browser view. Then you upload the www project files to a website you have control of and can edit it right there.
var isApp = document.URL.indexOf( 'http://' ) === -1 && document.URL.indexOf( 'https://' ) === -1;
loadScript('cordova.js', function(){ })
This code works by checking the URL of the device. When running in app mode (on a device) the system does not use http protocol. When in the browser we do. This code simply checks to see if we are on a browser or not, then includes the cordova.js file.
This will allow you to program your app without the errors in the console on a website. To continue to speed up development, we utilize jQuery. If you are not familiar with jQuery, it’s a library of incredible useful shortcuts and tools for JavaScript.
jQuery may be downloaded here http://jquery.com/.
I highly suggest you rip out much of the default code that comes as a new project in Cordova. The only thing you really need to include is the cordova.js file. Using simple document ready function for the JavaScript replaces the cumbersome device ready code provided in the project. Using jQuery $(document).ready() will fire when the page is loaded.
Using a combination of the process above, one should be able to rapidly deploy apps for home or business use, in a stable and reliable environment. One of our big concerns when we first started this process was how Apple would react to an app not "natively" programmed in XCode. The team at Apple will not reject your code because you used Cordova. We have multiple apps in the Apple Store programmed using Cordova. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Cordova allows you to keep one set of source code for both platforms, utilizing HTML and JavaScript. This means you can simply develop your software one time for both devices and deploy. Cordova comes with a breath of plugins from camera management, screen rotation, keyboard pop up, uploading file and more. You install Cordova, add required plug-ins and develop.
Cordova is available here http://cordova.apache.org/
If you really want to speed up design time, you can actually develop your phone or tablet app on a website, using Chrome, FireFox or Edge. Utilizing the CSS and HTML power of real time editing, you will see many apps can be produced in 1-2 days. This allows for greater profit margins, less stress, and an ease on deadlines.
We have developed a technique to do just that. By using the code below, you will disable Cordova (PhoneGap) in the browser view. Then you upload the www project files to a website you have control of and can edit it right there.
var isApp = document.URL.indexOf( 'http://' ) === -1 && document.URL.indexOf( 'https://' ) === -1;
loadScript('cordova.js', function(){ })
This code works by checking the URL of the device. When running in app mode (on a device) the system does not use http protocol. When in the browser we do. This code simply checks to see if we are on a browser or not, then includes the cordova.js file.
This will allow you to program your app without the errors in the console on a website. To continue to speed up development, we utilize jQuery. If you are not familiar with jQuery, it’s a library of incredible useful shortcuts and tools for JavaScript.
jQuery may be downloaded here http://jquery.com/.
I highly suggest you rip out much of the default code that comes as a new project in Cordova. The only thing you really need to include is the cordova.js file. Using simple document ready function for the JavaScript replaces the cumbersome device ready code provided in the project. Using jQuery $(document).ready() will fire when the page is loaded.
Using a combination of the process above, one should be able to rapidly deploy apps for home or business use, in a stable and reliable environment. One of our big concerns when we first started this process was how Apple would react to an app not "natively" programmed in XCode. The team at Apple will not reject your code because you used Cordova. We have multiple apps in the Apple Store programmed using Cordova. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Mistakes That Decrease the Longevity of Your Laptop
Purchasing a laptop isn’t a small investment and can be quite expensive if you need to repair or replace it. It is important that a laptop is kept in top shape to increases its longevity and effectiveness. Here are some tips on what to avoid in order to keep your laptop running efficiently for as long as possible.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Don’t Take the Term Laptop Too Literally
Nope, unlike the name states a laptop should never be set on top of your lap. The truth is that by putting a laptop on your lap you actually decrease the lifespan of your machine. A laptops processor, which is the brain of the PC, gets hot! The vent to release the heat is likely to be located on the bottom of the laptop where ventilation is scarce. This vent if covered by pants or blankets the laptop overheats. Another side effect of putting a laptop on your lap is that dust begins to settle. Even when this dust is then removed using canned air it is not really removed, it is just shuffled internally which can hurt the processor and internal workings of the laptop as well.Don’t Forget to Shut Your Laptop Off Occasionally
It is so easy to simply close the laptop lid at the end of the night without shutting it down however this isn’t always what is best for the health of the laptop. Many of us fall into this trap because the next morning when we want to use it, the computer boots up within seconds. By shutting down your laptop on a regular basis, it allows the PC to install the fixes that need to run in order to update the software vulnerabilities. Laptops, like desktops, do not apply the fixes unless the computer is restarted. For the best results we recommend shutting your laptop down at least once a week (or more).Don’t Overlook the Importance of a Surge Protector
Using a surge protector should be quite obvious however, so many people forget to use one when using their laptops. It is common to hear that you should unplug electronics during storms. If your laptop is plugged in and lighting hits and the computer is not plugged into a surge protector, you will likely fry your laptop.Don’t Disregard the Importance of Installing an Antivirus
This too should go without saying, an antivirus is critical for the protection of your laptop. Antivirus protection is essential for both laptops and desktops as it keeps the bugs from getting into your systems. Which let’s be clear, happens all the time when you are surfing the internet. Malware and virus’s make your computer run hot and can “break” your laptop. Antivirus should be installed and regularly updated to keep your system safe.Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Friday, March 22, 2019
When Do You Know Your Computer Issue Needs A Computer Technician?
There are a number of ailments that can curse your PC. Most computer issues can be troubleshot at
home however more complex computer problems may require professional computer
repair by a trained technician.
Do-It-Yourself repairs may seem like a solid idea, however, overtime it
may make more sense to take it to a computer
repair store.
Software and hardware issues can often complicate the process of computer repair. When Do-It-Yourselfers start digging into their computers they can often have a difficult time getting the pieces put back together. There are some issues that just need an expert’s touch including some of the issues below.
When this occurs the only way to cure this computer ailment is to take it in to a computer repair store for a technician to diagnosis and repair it. Through a series of computer diagnostic tests, the technician will be able to determine an official computer diagnosis. Many issues give the Blue Screen of Death Error Code. Depending on the error code your computer is displaying, the pc troubleshooting steps differ. This is one of the reasons it is so important to take it into a computer repair technician over fixing it on your own.
The technician will run some tests to determine if it is a software issue as sometimes a graphic disruption can involve a video card driver. A computer repair technician will have the capabilities to troubleshoot graphical errors.
Other common computer issues that occur which require a pc technician include blank monitors, operating system errors, virus warnings, and such. Contact the technical professionals at Creative Programs and Systems for any and all of your computer repair issues.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Software and hardware issues can often complicate the process of computer repair. When Do-It-Yourselfers start digging into their computers they can often have a difficult time getting the pieces put back together. There are some issues that just need an expert’s touch including some of the issues below.
Blue Screen of Death
The most common ailment seen by the experts at CPS have to do with the blue screen of death, commonly referred to as BSOD. Not only is it the most common issue to see it is also difficult to fix. When your laptop or desktop computer screen turns blue it means that the PC’s system has experienced something traumatic in which it had to come to a forced, abrupt stop. More often than not the problem has to do with the computer’s hardware or driver. This causes a STOP code to appear (the blue screen of death) and the computer shuts down.When this occurs the only way to cure this computer ailment is to take it in to a computer repair store for a technician to diagnosis and repair it. Through a series of computer diagnostic tests, the technician will be able to determine an official computer diagnosis. Many issues give the Blue Screen of Death Error Code. Depending on the error code your computer is displaying, the pc troubleshooting steps differ. This is one of the reasons it is so important to take it into a computer repair technician over fixing it on your own.
Graphical Errors
Another common issue that is known to occur when you turn on your computer is that the screen is a muddled mess. Graphical errors may be common, but the necessary fix isn’t always which is why you should take it into a computer repair store for repair and diagnosis. Graphic issues are most often associated with software. If your screen looks distorted and the images are not displaying correctly it is time to take your PC in for diagnosis.The technician will run some tests to determine if it is a software issue as sometimes a graphic disruption can involve a video card driver. A computer repair technician will have the capabilities to troubleshoot graphical errors.
Other common computer issues that occur which require a pc technician include blank monitors, operating system errors, virus warnings, and such. Contact the technical professionals at Creative Programs and Systems for any and all of your computer repair issues.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
The Importance of a YouTube Presence for The Success of Any Business
With the creation of television came the start of an era where technology including video would rule how we gather information. This advancement and the progress of technology since has increased the effects that video has in building a successful marketing campaign. Video technology is without a doubt a powerful source when impacting consumers decisions. Engaging video content influences its audience and therefore is a necessary element when creating a complete digital marketing campaign.
Thankfully for the marketers of today there is a cost-effective source to introduce your brand via video, YouTube. YouTube video creation isn’t a new concept however the way it fits into a digital marketing strategy is. Long gone are the days of lengthy videos with production crews and long hours editing and in with technology that makes video creation affordable and simple.
You know longer need a Hollywood produced video to launch your brand, low barriers to enter the video market have made it possible to start launching videos at just pennies of what it once did. Videos can be something simple as snap shots of how products are made or something as simple as snippets of working with clients. Slideshow videos or one person showcasing your company or their project, it is all about offering something unique to your clients.
Ever heard of “going viral”? Your videos need to be watched so our job as marketers is to create something people will want to watch. One drawback to the ease at which YouTube videos can be created is that the market becomes saturated. In order for your business to stand out amongst the crowd it is crucial that videos are created that speak to consumers by sharing a quick, memorable snippet that reaches your audience and persuades them to seek more information. When this is achieved you are one more step closer to digital marketing success.
YouTube however let you target your audience not only through online videos but ad placement as well. When a user watch’s a topic specific they are then shown ads related to that; this is known as placement based on contextual user intent.
Another method of targeting is based on online behaviors. Ads and videos will use the search history and website cookies of the user to show more ads and videos related to the topic.
Sometimes the best way to target an audience is based on the user’s demographics and geographic information. Videos and ads will be shown to individuals within a specific region despite recent searches or videos that have been watched.
Because of these qualities and more, YouTube is an essential element in all digital marketing strategies. In order to grow your business and online presence it is important to become a recognizable fixture in this online fixture.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Thankfully for the marketers of today there is a cost-effective source to introduce your brand via video, YouTube. YouTube video creation isn’t a new concept however the way it fits into a digital marketing strategy is. Long gone are the days of lengthy videos with production crews and long hours editing and in with technology that makes video creation affordable and simple.
You know longer need a Hollywood produced video to launch your brand, low barriers to enter the video market have made it possible to start launching videos at just pennies of what it once did. Videos can be something simple as snap shots of how products are made or something as simple as snippets of working with clients. Slideshow videos or one person showcasing your company or their project, it is all about offering something unique to your clients.
Ever heard of “going viral”? Your videos need to be watched so our job as marketers is to create something people will want to watch. One drawback to the ease at which YouTube videos can be created is that the market becomes saturated. In order for your business to stand out amongst the crowd it is crucial that videos are created that speak to consumers by sharing a quick, memorable snippet that reaches your audience and persuades them to seek more information. When this is achieved you are one more step closer to digital marketing success.
Creating A YouTube Presence
YouTube is a terrific platform for companies looking to advertise. Previous advertising efforts involved the creation of commercials and finding channels which were deemed to share similar target audiences. Of course, there was more too it but essentially the goal was to have your companies’ video/commercial reach people that were interested in what was being offered. The problem however was that the reach of the video was based on an educated guess. Thankfully, we no longer have to operate like this.YouTube however let you target your audience not only through online videos but ad placement as well. When a user watch’s a topic specific they are then shown ads related to that; this is known as placement based on contextual user intent.
Another method of targeting is based on online behaviors. Ads and videos will use the search history and website cookies of the user to show more ads and videos related to the topic.
Sometimes the best way to target an audience is based on the user’s demographics and geographic information. Videos and ads will be shown to individuals within a specific region despite recent searches or videos that have been watched.
Because of these qualities and more, YouTube is an essential element in all digital marketing strategies. In order to grow your business and online presence it is important to become a recognizable fixture in this online fixture.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Improving Your Business With Google Ads
Internet presence makes or breaks businesses throughout a number of industries. Marketing professionals must transition from traditional marketing methods to digital marketing methods such as Google Ads to preserver. This situation makes the internet cluttered with intense competition. Both businesses and consumers rely on the internet in making purchasing decision, product research, and more.
Benefits Google Ads Can Have on Your Business
Improved Brand Awareness
In the past brand awareness between business and consumers came from a variety of methods including newspaper, billboards, radio, and television advertisements. This was a great method of marketing between business and consumers however left business to business advertising suffering. Digital marketing, specifically through Google Ads, has transformed the way in which we create brand awareness within the marketplace.Google Ads allows brands to advertise to targeted audiences that are researching specific products or services using specific keywords or keyword phrases that relate to the advertising business. Brand awareness is one of the many benefits businesses have advertising on Google Display and Search networks.
Quicker Than SEO
Google Ads works faster than search engine optimization. SEO is a slow, methodically way in which to increase your organic presence online. For businesses looking for a long-term presence within search engine rankings benefit from a combination of both organic and paid advertising. Google Ads allows businesses to pay for visibility in the form of Google Ads amongst top competitors. They allow your business to advertise directly to a target audience that is actively seeking out your products or services.Google Ads brings brand awareness about faster than traditional SEO methods. There is a tremendous amount of competition with paid advertising. The benefit however is that the business owner is in complete control of the amount they are willing to bid for top positions of their ads. A number of elements go into the amount each of the clicks on your ads will cost as well as the position at which your ad will sit on Google Search Networks or Google Display Networks. These include: Keywords Quality Score, Ad Relevancy, Landing Page Relevancy, and Expected Click Through Rate.
Google Ads is beneficial for a number of reasons including:
- The Ability to Outrank Competitors Ads
- The Ability to Influence Audiences to Make a Purchase
- The Ability to Increase Brand Visibility to a Targeted Audience
- The Ability to Test Variations of Ads and Keywords
- The Ability to Create Different Campaigns and Strategies Based on User Demographics
- The Ability to Schedule Ads to Reach Targeted Audiences at the Right Time
- The Ability to Remarket to Audiences Who Have Showed Interest
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Can An IT Consultant Benefit Your Business?
One area many companies seek to hire consultants is the world of IT. Information Technology has changed the way in which society as a whole operates thus its importance in business has increased as well. IT services transform how businesses operate. IT consultants are brought in to help businesses keep up with the latest trends in technology. Efficiency is a key element in business. IT consultants implement technology throughout business applications to increase effectiveness in all areas of your company.
The Benefits of Hiring IT Consultants in Business
Hiring an IT consultant allows you to benefit from a specialist. Yes, having an IT department does have benefits, when your printer stops printing there is someone on site to instantly handle the issue. However, the same person that knows how to fix your printer, reboot your computer, and can handle the ins and outs of your current system are not the same as a consultant that comes in, evaluates the overall system and based on experience recommends more efficient solutions to common, everyday operations. Experienced IT consulting services have likely helped many companies in similar situations to yours. Having an industry expert guiding your business increases your success while offering you peace of mind.
Hiring an IT consultant allows you to get an outside perspective on your business functions. We all get stuck in doing things the way in which we have always done them. For years you may have tracked inventory using pen and paper then inputting it into a program. This doesn’t mean that this is the most efficient method or even a method that keeps up with the way in which businesses are operating today. An outside consultant views your business from a whole new perspective than individuals who are immersed in it daily and used to doing things a set way.
Hiring an IT consultant is cost effective. The main “job” of any consultant is to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Full-time employees are expensive and require a full-time salary, benefits, a work space, and so on. Consultants on the other hand, are normally hired when a known problem exists and needs to be solved within a very specific time frame which is more cost effective and a better use of employee time.
The list of benefits that come from hiring an IT consultant can go on and on. If you find that your business has become stagnant and you are looking for growth, hiring a consultant may be just what your business needs.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Key Benefits in Android App Development
Android Studio
Google Play
Ease of Entry
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Types of Network Infrastructures Explained
This is a guide on different network infrastructures that are used in business today and how they are used.
(PAN) Personal Area Network
(LAN) Local Area Network
(WLAN) Wireless Local Area Network
(CAN) Campus Area Network
(MAN) Metropolitan Area Network
(WAN) Wide Area Network
The most familiar WAN is the Internet. The internet connects computers throughout the globe. A WAN’s has the ability to reach a great distance. They are most often owned, operated, and maintained by more than one administrator.
Other types of networks include:
- (SAN) Storage-Area Network
- (SAN) System-Area Network
- (POLAN) Passive Optical Local Area Network
- (EPN) Enterprise Private Network
- (VPN) Virtual Private Network
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
SEO Trends That Will Increase Website Visibility in the Coming Year
What Exactly Is Voice Search Technology?
How Are Digital Marketing Efforts Being Affected by Voice Recognition?
Tips for Voice Search Optimization
Website Loading Speed
Write Content How You Speak
Aim for your website content to range between 1850 and 2500 with a combination of short and long form content.
Use Blocks of Content
Focus on Local Searches
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
Friday, February 15, 2019
Is It Necessary to Hire a Professional Programmer When Developing an Apple iPhone App?
Benefits of Professional Mobile iPhone iOS App Development
Hiring for iPhone App Development
It is almost impossible for novice app designers to keep pace with the industry and its changes. The professional team of iPhone app experts at CPS are up to date on the latest industry news, tech updates, and will work directly with you to develop your iPhone app.
Another benefit of working with a trained iPhone app programmer is that your app is developed according to your deadlines and within the budget that you set forth. This is not always easily handled when you are working in your spare time on getting your new app launched. It is also very difficult for novice app designers to create a faultless app that integrates itself the abundance of features on the iPhone. This allows the best of your app to be show cased without unnecessary adaptations that take extra time, money, and effort to create.
Finding the Right Developer to Create Your iPhone App
- Before signing the dotted line of that proposal take time to go through the company’s portfolio and previous experience. Take time to upload, review, and analyze previous mobile apps that have been developed.
- Seek out the opinion of previous clients.
- Register as an Apple Developer. This allows the company you are working with to work on your behalf throughout the submission process. It guarantees at the end that you are the sole owner of the app.
- Having a confidentiality agreement in place is crucial. It may even be in your best interest to seek a non-disclosure agreement.
- Work directly with the developer so that your expectations are clear. Chart out the different requirements within the app so that a goal of what you hope to achieve is understood.
- Take time to look into similar apps within the Apple Store. How are they priced? Did they have an introductory price during their initial launch? How does your app differ? What ways will you achieve promoting your app?
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more. More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.
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