Monday, March 25, 2019

Mistakes That Decrease the Longevity of Your Laptop

Purchasing a laptop isn’t a small investment and can be quite expensive if you need to repair or replace it.  It is important that a laptop is kept in top shape to increases its longevity and effectiveness.  Here are some tips on what to avoid in order to keep your laptop running efficiently for as long as possible.

Don’t Take the Term Laptop Too Literally

Nope, unlike the name states a laptop should never be set on top of your lap.  The truth is that by putting a laptop on your lap you actually decrease the lifespan of your machine.  A laptops processor, which is the brain of the PC, gets hot!  The vent to release the heat is likely to be located on the bottom of the laptop where ventilation is scarce.  This vent if covered by pants or blankets the laptop overheats. Another side effect of putting a laptop on your lap is that dust begins to settle.  Even when this dust is then removed using canned air it is not really removed, it is just shuffled internally which can hurt the processor and internal workings of the laptop as well.

Don’t Forget to Shut Your Laptop Off Occasionally

It is so easy to simply close the laptop lid at the end of the night without shutting it down however this isn’t always what is best for the health of the laptop.  Many of us fall into this trap because the next morning when we want to use it, the computer boots up within seconds.  By shutting down your laptop on a regular basis, it allows the PC to install the fixes that need to run in order to update the software vulnerabilities.  Laptops, like desktops, do not apply the fixes unless the computer is restarted.  For the best results we recommend shutting your laptop down at least once a week (or more).  

Don’t Overlook the Importance of a Surge Protector

Using a surge protector should be quite obvious however, so many people forget to use one when using their laptops.  It is common to hear that you should unplug electronics during storms.  If your laptop is plugged in and lighting hits and the computer is not plugged into a surge protector, you will likely fry your laptop.  

Don’t Disregard the Importance of Installing an Antivirus

This too should go without saying, an antivirus is critical for the protection of your laptop.  Antivirus protection is essential for both laptops and desktops as it keeps the bugs from getting into your systems.  Which let’s be clear, happens all the time when you are surfing the internet.  Malware and virus’s make your computer run hot and can “break” your laptop.  Antivirus should be installed and regularly updated to keep your system safe.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Friday, March 22, 2019

When Do You Know Your Computer Issue Needs A Computer Technician?

There are a number of ailments that can curse your PC.  Most computer issues can be troubleshot at home however more complex computer problems may require professional computer repair by a trained technician.  Do-It-Yourself repairs may seem like a solid idea, however, overtime it may make more sense to take it to a computer repair store.
Software and hardware issues can often complicate the process of computer repair.  When Do-It-Yourselfers start digging into their computers they can often have a difficult time getting the pieces put back together. There are some issues that just need an expert’s touch including some of the issues below.

Blue Screen of Death

The most common ailment seen by the experts at CPS have to do with the blue screen of death, commonly referred to as BSOD.  Not only is it the most common issue to see it is also difficult to fix.  When your laptop or desktop computer screen turns blue it means that the PC’s system has experienced something traumatic in which it had to come to a forced, abrupt stop.  More often than not the problem has to do with the computer’s hardware or driver.  This causes a STOP code to appear (the blue screen of death) and the computer shuts down. 
When this occurs the only way to cure this computer ailment is to take it in to a computer repair store for a technician to diagnosis and repair it.  Through a series of computer diagnostic tests, the technician will be able to determine an official computer diagnosis.  Many issues give the Blue Screen of Death Error Code.  Depending on the error code your computer is displaying, the pc troubleshooting steps differ.  This is one of the reasons it is so important to take it into a computer repair technician over fixing it on your own.

Graphical Errors

Another common issue that is known to occur when you turn on your computer is that the screen is a muddled mess.  Graphical errors may be common, but the necessary fix isn’t always which is why you should take it into a computer repair store for repair and diagnosis.  Graphic issues are most often associated with software.  If your screen looks distorted and the images are not displaying correctly it is time to take your PC in for diagnosis. 

The technician will run some tests to determine if it is a software issue as sometimes a graphic disruption can involve a video card driver. A computer repair technician will have the capabilities to troubleshoot graphical errors.

Other common computer issues that occur which require a pc technician include blank monitors, operating system errors, virus warnings, and such.  Contact the technical professionals at Creative Programs and Systems for any and all of your computer repair issues

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Importance of a YouTube Presence for The Success of Any Business

With the creation of television came the start of an era where technology including video would rule how we gather information.  This advancement and the progress of technology since has increased the effects that video has in building a successful marketing campaign.  Video technology is without a doubt a powerful source when impacting consumers decisions.  Engaging video content influences its audience and therefore is a necessary element when creating a complete digital marketing campaign

Thankfully for the marketers of today there is a cost-effective source to introduce your brand via video, YouTube.  YouTube video creation isn’t a new concept however the way it fits into a digital marketing strategy is. Long gone are the days of lengthy videos with production crews and long hours editing and in with technology that makes video creation affordable and simple.

You know longer need a Hollywood produced video to launch your brand, low barriers to enter the video market have made it possible to start launching videos at just pennies of what it once did.  Videos can be something simple as snap shots of how products are made or something as simple as snippets of working with clients.  Slideshow videos or one person showcasing your company or their project, it is all about offering something unique to your clients. 

Ever heard of “going viral”?  Your videos need to be watched so our job as marketers is to create something people will want to watch.  One drawback to the ease at which YouTube videos can be created is that the market becomes saturated.  In order for your business to stand out amongst the crowd it is crucial that videos are created that speak to consumers by sharing a quick, memorable snippet that reaches your audience and persuades them to seek more information.  When this is achieved you are one more step closer to digital marketing success. 

Creating A YouTube Presence

YouTube is a terrific platform for companies looking to advertise.  Previous advertising efforts involved the creation of commercials and finding channels which were deemed to share similar target audiences.  Of course, there was more too it but essentially the goal was to have your companies’ video/commercial reach people that were interested in what was being offered.  The problem however was that the reach of the video was based on an educated guess. Thankfully, we no longer have to operate like this.

YouTube however let you target your audience not only through online videos but ad placement as well.  When a user watch’s a topic specific they are then shown ads related to that; this is known as placement based on contextual user intent.  

Another method of targeting is based on online behaviors.  Ads and videos will use the search history and website cookies of the user to show more ads and videos related to the topic. 
Sometimes the best way to target an audience is based on the user’s demographics and geographic information.  Videos and ads will be shown to individuals within a specific region despite recent searches or videos that have been watched. 

Because of these qualities and more, YouTube is an essential element in all digital marketing strategies.  In order to grow your business and online presence it is important to become a recognizable fixture in this online fixture. 

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Friday, March 8, 2019

Improving Your Business With Google Ads

Google Ads is a form of paid advertising through the search engine, Google.  Ads are shown to users based on their searches.  The major benefit of using Google Ads is that consumers are seeing ads targeted to their searches while they are actively searching for your good or service.  Google Ads makes up for over 40% of the digital ad revenue for the entire world. 
Internet presence makes or breaks businesses throughout a number of industries.  Marketing professionals must transition from traditional marketing methods to digital marketing methods such as Google Ads to preserver. This situation makes the internet cluttered with intense competition.  Both businesses and consumers rely on the internet in making purchasing decision, product research, and more.

Benefits Google Ads Can Have on Your Business

Improved Brand Awareness

In the past brand awareness between business and consumers came from a variety of methods including newspaper, billboards, radio, and television advertisements.  This was a great method of marketing between business and consumers however left business to business advertising suffering.  Digital marketing, specifically through Google Ads, has transformed the way in which we create brand awareness within the marketplace.
Google Ads allows brands to advertise to targeted audiences that are researching specific products or services using specific keywords or keyword phrases that relate to the advertising business. Brand awareness is one of the many benefits businesses have advertising on Google Display and Search networks.

Quicker Than SEO

Google Ads works faster than search engine optimization.  SEO is a slow, methodically way in which to increase your organic presence online.  For businesses looking for a long-term presence within search engine rankings benefit from a combination of both organic and paid advertising.  Google Ads allows businesses to pay for visibility in the form of Google Ads amongst top competitors.   They allow your business to advertise directly to a target audience that is actively seeking out your products or services. 
Google Ads brings brand awareness about faster than traditional SEO methods.  There is a tremendous amount of competition with paid advertising.  The benefit however is that the business owner is in complete control of the amount they are willing to bid for top positions of their ads. A number of elements go into the amount each of the clicks on your ads will cost as well as the position at which your ad will sit on Google Search Networks or Google Display Networks.  These include: Keywords Quality Score, Ad Relevancy, Landing Page Relevancy, and Expected Click Through Rate.

Google Ads is beneficial for a number of reasons including:

  • The Ability to Outrank Competitors Ads
  • The Ability to Influence Audiences to Make a Purchase
  • The Ability to Increase Brand Visibility to a Targeted Audience
  • The Ability to Test Variations of Ads and Keywords
  • The Ability to Create Different Campaigns and Strategies Based on User Demographics
  • The Ability to Schedule Ads to Reach Targeted Audiences at the Right Time
  • The Ability to Remarket to Audiences Who Have Showed Interest
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Can An IT Consultant Benefit Your Business?

Business of all shapes and sizes have begun to realize the importance of hiring consultants in the drive to grow their businesses.  A consultant is a person who offers expert advice for an hourly fee.  Often, they have a niche in which they specialize and can provide their expertise along with an outside perspective. Consultants give businesses opportunities to increase their productivity and expand business opportunities. 

One area many companies seek to hire consultants is the world of IT.  Information Technology has changed the way in which society as a whole operates thus its importance in business has increased as well.  IT services transform how businesses operate.  IT consultants are brought in to help businesses keep up with the latest trends in technology.  Efficiency is a key element in business.  IT consultants implement technology throughout business applications to increase effectiveness in all areas of your company.

The Benefits of Hiring IT Consultants in Business

Hiring an IT consultant allows you to focus clearly on core business functions.  There is no doubt that employees are at their best when they are allowed to focus on their intended position.  This is true no matter what industry you are in.  From Teachers to Doctors, Sanitation Specialist to Engineers, when you are allowed to concentrate on your job and only your job, you will be more successful.  Nothing is more frustrating for employees and business owners alike to be distracted from what they are supposed to be doing to focus on a task that is not relevant to them such as technology repair or upgrades.  Hiring an IT consultant allows associates to focus on their core job which increases your bottom line.

Hiring an IT consultant allows you to benefit from a specialist.  Yes, having an IT department does have benefits, when your printer stops printing there is someone on site to instantly handle the issue.  However, the same person that knows how to fix your printer, reboot your computer, and can handle the ins and outs of your current system are not the same as a consultant that comes in, evaluates the overall system and based on experience recommends more efficient solutions to common, everyday operations.  Experienced IT consulting services have likely helped many companies in similar situations to yours.  Having an industry expert guiding your business increases your success while offering you peace of mind.

Hiring an IT consultant allows you to get an outside perspective on your business functions.  We all get stuck in doing things the way in which we have always done them.  For years you may have tracked inventory using pen and paper then inputting it into a program.  This doesn’t mean that this is the most efficient method or even a method that keeps up with the way in which businesses are operating today.  An outside consultant views your business from a whole new perspective than individuals who are immersed in it daily and used to doing things a set way.

Hiring an IT consultant is cost effective. The main “job” of any consultant is to reduce costs and increase efficiency.  Full-time employees are expensive and require a full-time salary, benefits, a work space, and so on.  Consultants on the other hand, are normally hired when a known problem exists and needs to be solved within a very specific time frame which is more cost effective and a better use of employee time.
The list of benefits that come from hiring an IT consultant can go on and on.  If you find that your business has become stagnant and you are looking for growth, hiring a consultant may be just what your business needs.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Friday, March 1, 2019

Key Benefits in Android App Development

There are a number of operating systems that drive mobile devices. When working with clients, mobile app developers must determine what platform to target their app towards unless of course, they have the resources to develop for multiple platforms simultaneously.  The operating systems that your app is programmed for will determine the success or failure of your app.  Android, iOS Apple, Windows, and Blackberry operating systems are all popular platforms.  In this installment we will look into the benefits of programming for Android app development



Android Apps are developed using Java language in program.  Java is a language that can easily be ported to additional mobile operating systems such as Chrome OS, Ubuntu, Symbian, Windows 10 and Blackberry. 

Android Studio

The Android Studio is superb software application that is offers comprehensive services to programmers.  It is specifically designed for Android development and allows for quick and efficient set up of Android Apps.


As mentioned above Android Apps are developed using Java. Java is a programming language that is used in a number of operating systems and a variety of devices.  Programming in Java allows Apps to easily be integrated on other operating systems such as Windows and Linux whereas iOS development is done in Objective C or Swift.

Google Play

Google Android Apps are easily deployed to the Google Play store.  On most occasions they are able to be downloaded by users in hours after being put on Google Play.  Another feature of the Google Play store is nice is that developers are able to release apps as an alpha and/or beta release. Doing this allows the app to be released only to select members or a group of testers. 

Ease of Entry

Android App development can be done on Windows, Mac, and Linux.  A one-time fee of $25 allows individuals to register as an app developer on the Google Play Store whereas development on the Apple App store requires a yearly fee of $99. 


Both Android and iPhone Apps are profitable, and both offer the ability for users to make the initial app purchase and in-app purchases. 

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at