Thursday, March 16, 2023

Transformative Tech Trends


Another year has begun, which means there are inevitably new technological trends slated to release throughout time. This year, tech is trending at an exponential pace. Keep an eye on the developments below and watch them grow throughout 2023. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is everywhere, and it will advance even more in 2023. Between software, services, chips, and more, AI will be present in operational efficiencies, adaptive processes, higher performance, and stronger security. The implementation of AI has skyrocketed during the pandemic, especially since they aid in adaptivity and resilience. AI is only expected to grow throughout 2023, embracing effortless drag-and-drop interfaces, meaning no code will be necessary. In the early days of computers, users needed to understand DOS to interact with the machine, but now, everyone uses computers without understanding the technical jargon and background programming. Similarly, AI will soon become more user-friendly and functional without coding knowledge. 

Quantum Computing
Remember these words: quantum computing. They might seem inconspicuous today, but this technology which uses subatomic particles to form novel processing pathways and information storage is the future of computing. Even the best processors today cannot compete with quantum computers’ ability to solve complex problems swiftly. With government and industry investments poised for growth, hardware and software looks to be progressing upward. 

A huge aspect of technology in 2023 will be establishing trust between applications and end-users. Various ways exist to establish secure access depending on the program or instance. This year, a shift in managing trust will enable security mechanisms to function properly. With trust comes a huge responsibility of protecting vital information, so safety must be heightened to accommodate.  

High-speed wireless broadband is adapting at lightning speed, with the ability to power augmented reality, whole-home video distribution, telemedicine, gaming, and more. Wi-fi 6E and 7 will use the 6 GHz band, complementing the emerging global 10G. 

Cloud infrastructure is already a large part of today’s technology, but in 2023 it is expected to expand even more. Industries such as banking, healthcare, and manufacturing are shifting toward a responsive platform backed by precise options for their specific industry. With an even greater level of adaptability, functionality, and innovation, cloud-based data is edging its way to the top for many businesses. 


Founded in 1994, Creative Programs and Systems provides professional results for all computer needs. We design, create, and code an array of custom software programs and websites; offer top-notch digital marketing services including enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and paid advertising; repair and provide support for computers of both residential and professional nature; build custom systems and servers, and offer secure data backups. Need assistance or want to learn more? Call us at 810-224-5252 or e-mail

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

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