The United States Department of Treasury will introduce
novel penalties, rules, and strategies for ransomware payments as part of the
government’s continual effort to thwart online attacks.
As reported by The
Wall Street Journal, the Treasury plans to introduce the
sanctions soon, and “Expected new anti-money-laundering and terror-finance
rules will seek to limit the use of cryptocurrency as a payment mechanism in
ransomware attacks and other illicit activities,” which are set to arrive later
this year.
The new guidelines seem to target specific individuals
rather than the cryptocurrency payment industry at large. The Treasury hopes to
deter hackers from attempting to use ransomware. Just how they are going
to accomplish this feat is unclear.
Typically, ransomware victims are advised not to pay the
ransom, as there is no guarantee that paying it will restore the impacted
files. If ransoms are paid, it gives hackers the idea that other persons or
places will pay for future hacks. It also renders more attention to the
individual or company that did pay, resulting in potentially more online attacks.
A large number of game companies (CD Projekt Red, Capcom),
manufacturers (Gigabyte, Acer, Garmin), public infrastructure (schools,
healthcare providers), and pipeline operators have fallen victim to ransomware
attacks recently.
The United States government has also been targeted with ransomware
attacks, many of which were attributed to Russian hackers. At this point, the
United States government is responding.
Worried about ransomware or hackers infiltrating your
network or computer system? Contact the experts at Creative Programs and
Systems today – we can help prevent hacks and keep you safe.
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Written by the
digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: