Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Networking Services Create Continuity Between Household Technologies

Very few of us have ever experienced a time without computers, cell phones, Netflix, and the likes.  No longer are we looking for homes with big backyards but instead homes that have access to high speed internet and cable.  Our generation experiences things differently than past generations.  We desire reliable home networking, we want to be connected at all times.  In order to do this, we need methods to distribute audio, video, and data throughout our entire home, as we would the networks in our workplaces.  We accomplish this through structured cabling, also known as low-voltage wiring, that is professionally installed to allow the technology within our homes to work together.

Home networking allows our private collection of devices (computers, phones, gaming consoles, printers, and more) to connect to one another through a router or switch thus creating a local network.  A network within your home creates an environment where your devices are able to communicate with one another.  This leads to endless opportunities such as media streaming, network backup, multi-player gaming, and more.

Without any knowledge on how to network your devices the process of connecting all the pieces together can seem daunting.  There are many companies, like Creative Programs and Systems, that offer both residential and commercial networking services, including structured cable installation.  There are a number of devices that are at the center of connecting devices within your home or business alike.  Routers, switches, and modems are all equally important entities in creating an efficient network. 

  • Modem: A modem is a device that can either be rented through your internet service provider or you can purchase your own.   A modem turns their network signal, which runs through a phone line, copper coaxial, or glass fiber, into a normally accepted computer network signal.  For some generations this connection came from the modem dialing into a telephone in order to establish a connection.  You could hear the connection trying to be established back in the day, today’s connections are silent and operate over a different infrastructure then a landline telephone.

  • Router: The router is a central point of contact between the devices within your network and the internet connection that is provided by your modem.  In some cases, the modem will be built directly into the router.  If you have both a separate router and modem, the router will plug into the modem with an ethernet cable plugged into the Wide Area Network, WAN port on the router.

  • Switch: A switch is used to extend your network.  It takes one port and turns it into many.  Switches can be purchased in a number of sizes from 4 ports to 24.  Most switches that are used in networking homes are unmanaged, which means you just plug them in, and they are already configured correctly.  Managed switches are mainly installed in commercial settings where different priorities are assigned depending on their importance.
Not only are there a variety of devices used to centrally connect your home there are different types of network connections. 

  • Ethernet/LAN: The physical cables that plug into your router or switch into a LAN port are known as providing a LAN or Ethernet network.  LAN cables can be run up to 100 meters without any lag in performance.  The only factor that really limits this connection is messy cabling between doorways and through walls.

  • Wi-Fi/Wireless LAN: This type of connections functions similar to Ethernet or LAN without the need for cables.  Instead the connection occurs through radio waves and doesn’t require messy cables.
There are also several methods of connecting to the internet including: Dial-Up, DSL, Cable, satellite, and USB dongle.  A lot of different pieces need to come together to create a flawless system when it comes to creating a home network.  The professionals at CPS specialize in both commercial and residential networking including structured cabling installation.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Why Should We Use Outsourced IT Support Services?

There are a number of reasons company’s, big and small, choose to outsource their IT needs to a company that specializes in IT services rather than employ in-house IT support.  One of the biggest reasons company’s do anything is because of money and this is no exception.  The costs associated with an in-house IT department outweighs the major benefit of their familiarity with the ins and outs of the company.  Outsourced IT services allow companies to continue to focus on their position within their own industry instead of worrying about issues outside their fields. 

Making the decision to use an outsourced IT company, like Creative Programs & Systems, has a number of benefits including:

Improved Cost Management

Companies that are just starting up and even those small to medium sized that are established consistently attempt to shrink costs associated with operations. Outsourced IT support teams allow organizations to put a consistent budget in place vs the unpredictability of expenses that occur from in-house IT.  Companies that maintain in-house IT support end up sustaining unpredictable expenses including training, upgrades, maintenance, and equipment purchases.

With expenses popping up out of thin air, companies have difficulty budgeting for unexpected IT costs that come from an in-house department. A new custom server can cost companies thousands of dollars if it needs to be replaced.  IT employee turnover and training expenses can really hurt a company’s budget as well.  When expenses pop up out of nowhere, they can severely hinder company operations.

Sourcing IT services to companies that specialize in IT consulting allows companies to have a better handle on their monthly expenses.  The other benefit is the knowledge possessed by IT specialists who work within a number of different organizations.  They are more likely to have seen and know how to correct issues quickly when they arise. 

Increased Security

Your company’s security is one of the most important elements.  Not only do most companies work with highly sensitive industry data, they also have a lot of client data to protect.  The last thing you want is to leave your company data vulnerable.

Company’s specializing in IT deal with hackers on a daily basis.  They are more familiar than in-house support teams with the techniques that are currently being used to breach crucial company data.  Hackers are unscrupulous and use a combination of social engineering and black hat methods to steal confidential information. Outsourced IT specialists offer a faster, more efficient, thorough approach to IT security throughout your organization.

Data Disaster Recovery

No matter if you experience a disaster from natural sources such as tornados, fire, or floods or a virtual data disaster the most important element remains keeping your business data secure and accessible.  Let’s face it, most companies are not well equipped to face either.  Disaster can strike at any moment.  It is important that in a situation where your companies is experiencing some type of disaster that you are back up and running sooner rather than later.  Hiring outsourced IT professionals allows you the peace of mind that when and if a disaster occurs, they will have you back up and running quicker than any in house IT department ever could.  Outsourced IT specialists spend time keeping up on all of the latest and greatest back up technologies.  Since disaster recovery is something that IT specialists manage for more than one client you can rest assured that they will have the best solution to help you avoid a catastrophic data disaster.

Added Resources

The last thing you can afford when starting a new company and handling the competition is to waste time handling IT related issues.  Newer companies need this time to develop their company, establish clients, and expand on their companies marketing strategy.   When you outsource IT the valuable time resource is yours to use focusing on customers, products, and marketing.
Outsourcing IT allows you to dedicate extra time to your growing business.  It frees up internal company resources to find additional business opportunities and increasing relevance within the industry.  Leave the direction of the IT side of your company to the specialists.  Thus leaving you and your team of specialists to focus on your budding business knowing that your growing IT needs are being professionally managed.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Custom Servers and Workstations are Better For The Growth Of Your Company

Computers are an essential element to both our personal and work lives.  Our reliance on computer technology makes it so that hardware and software maintenance must be done on a regular basis.   Building a server, workstation, or personal PC is becoming a popular option verse purchasing a pre-built PC simply because end users can fully customize their new machines without an exceedingly wild budget.
Having a computer built allows you to select and purchase the components of a PC separately.  For servers and workstations being able to customize components is critical.  Custom built computers are often less expensive and better performing than pre-built, higher priced computers. 
Although price is usually the first thing that consumers care about when it comes to building the technology for your company it should not be the most important factor.  It is crucial to work directly with IT consultants that are familiar with how your company runs, the software that is needed, and hardware requirements when purchasing and building the technology that will be used to help run your company. 
Specific software systems only run using operating systems that meet their precise needs. The last thing you want to do is to customize a computer that will not run the most basic of software programs used daily in your operations.  An IT professional can help to make sure the computers that are built use the appropriate motherboard, graphic card, and RAM for your needs while ensuring room to grow as technology is updated in the future.
Not only is price a huge benefit of custom-built servers and workstations so is the flexibility in regard to the unit’s specifications.  With the ability to purchase components according to the user, each computer can be built to meet the specific needs of the users.  The function of the computer is different depending on the user.  Certain workstations need to function with specific software systems crucial for day to day business operations and therefore will need to ensure the computer is built to meet this need.  Some considerations that need to be considered are word-processing functions, audio-visual features, and gaming abilities.  Let’s face it, there is no need to spend extra on a fancy gaming video card to be installed on a workstation where graphics and gaming are not a priority.  Instead a less expensive, entry-level, card can be installed. 
Although many times a pre-built computer will work just find for most situations however, when you can save yourself money and purchase a pc that is customized to your needs, why wouldn’t you?  Working with professionals you can work together to ensure that your network is set up for the most optimal results for your company and industry.  This also helps to ensure that your technology can keep up with your company’s future technology needs.  PC’s don’t need to be replaced on a yearly basis to enjoy the latest in technology.  A few basic upgrades in hardware and software as needed, on a regular basis, can save company’s thousands of dollars each year without sacrificing on technology.
Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Friday, January 11, 2019

How Can Custom Software Programming Help You?

A new year often is a signal of new beginnings, fresh goals, and the enthusiasm to achieve success.  This concept is not only true in many of our personal lives but also in business.  As the new year starts it is a prime time to target top technology needs for your company needs in order to continue to be profitable and flourish amongst top competitors.  

For many companies it is easy to recognize the areas within the organization that need improvement however, implementation process fall short.  It is easy to document and execute when updates to hardware and software are needed within company networks and workstations.  There is often an ease in spotting disconnects between current technology and software that affect the workflow process as well.  Companies, however, often back burner improvements to workflow through custom software development because it can seem daunting.  Sound familiar?

Yes, at first the idea of change especially when it comes to changing the way things have always been done seems overwhelming.  It is important, however, to recognize the old way of doing things is a great way to keep your business stagnant.  The only way to advance is to keep up with advancements in workflow process that keep you competing with emerging and existing competitors.

Custom app development specifically programmed to the needs and methods of your business not only reduce expenses it can vastly improve efficiency while providing long-term gains to productivity. There are a number of benefits to having software programmed for your specific needs verse buying commercial or off the shelf software models and adjusting your process to match.  Custom software programming allows you to continually adapt the software as you grow, processes change, or future business needs come up. 

Another benefit to having software that is programmed specifically for your company and workflow process is that it allows you to closely examine your current methods.  This gives team members who may not be directly involved in the day to day workflow a chance to see how things are done without being too close to the situation to offer suggestions for improvement.

Another benefit of custom programmed software is the ability to integrate work processes and procedures currently being used.  Just because you are creating a custom program doesn’t mean you have to start all over again.  Existing software, Excel spreadsheets, and more can all be built into, modified to fit, or integrated as they are into custom CRM software solutions, barcode reader software, QR code systems, or enterprise resource planning services. 
Using software programmed for your company verse off the shelf software programs also allows companies to save on the expenses associated with the costs of yearly maintenance and software renewal that is often associated with commercial software.

Our professional software developers specialize in creating custom workflow solutions for companies in a variety of industries from parks and rec to over the road trucking, Creative Programs and Systems will develop software that integrates your existing systems into one. 

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at