Thursday, October 19, 2017

Understanding Medicare Supplemental Insurance Effectivley With 5 Things

Medicare supplemental insurance is another name many people know for Medigap insurance since it is intended to fill the void in individual’s primary coverage through Medicare. Qualification for a Medigap policy usually required that the applicant has Medicare before Parts A and B. Folks around the age of 65 are the type to carry this type of insurance. Medicare doesn’t cover everything entirely so this plan can be very lucrative to some people to have.
Before signing the dotted line for this plan, it is wise for you to note these 5 facts.
  1. 10 Standard Options

Not everyone is aware but there are 10 standard options for Medicare Supplement Insurance which are standard throughout the United States. Each plan has different qualities so it would be foolish to not choose the plan that suits your current needs. These plans are A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M and N with plan A offering the least amount of benefits and plan F offers the most with a higher cost attatched.
The most beneficial thing about the Medigap Supplement Insurance market is that the availability of brokers are easy to find and can assist in helping you choose what plan is going to work best in your own situation. You can still apply for a Medicare Supplement with a new brokerage of a new insurance despite your current coverage.

Alert: Be thorough when researching before committing to any plan. This is because only a few companies provide all 10 plans. Many fall into this trap.
  1. Enrollment Windows

Some states like Missouri and California offer enrollment windows to Medigap beneficiaries every year but most other states have different regulations. Generally you can sign up for a supplemental policy when you are right before you turn 65. You can look over our Medicare Supplemental Insurance Open Enrollment page.
  1. Your Need

Step one is to figure out that you need this coverage. Once you know that your Medigap insurance doesn’t cover all your medical bills, you will find faster the things you need in spite of which private insurance company you decide to go with. Basically, the main qualification will be the service that they render and the premium that you will be charged for. Look over our Medigap guide page for more information.
  1. Medicare Policy

Coverage for your life partner/spouse is always separate on your Medicare policy. You two will have to buy individual policies if you both need insurance. Many find this step confusing because traditional insurance covers spouses too.
  1. Premiums
When calculating  and setting the premiums, Insurance companies use three different techniques. The lowest premiums are for those who use attained age as a basis. This is especially valid for the individuals who have just attained 65. Premiums normally increase every 3 – 5 years, and so does the inflation rates.

More so, issue age premiums depend on your age at the time of the purchase. The major increase for this type of plan is as a result of the Medicare's inflation adjustments. And of course, Medicare supplemental insurance rates that use the community-rated technique indicates that everyone in the same region will pay the same premium, paying no regard to age. Many states typically use only one method, so it will help to learn and find out how the insurance companies calculate their rates.

For a free Supplemental rate call us at 877-202-9248 or feel free to browse our website at

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Is Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance Necessary?

If you missed our last article on the topic of  Medicare supplemental insurance in Michigan, we highlighted that how you are being affected by the Medigap Plan among other things is factored depends on one's location. Beneficiaries who wish to select more coverage to their Part A and Part B plans would want to get a Medicare Supplement Plan in Arizona.
Medicare supplemental insurance coverage in Arizona would be similar to what we saw in Michigan such as it would include deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. Other hospital coverage may as well be added, like hospice care.

Medicare vs Medicare Advantage Program

A Medicare supplement health plan in Arizona differs when compared to that of the Medicare Advantage program. First, It is seen in how it is purchased. Unlike that of the Advantage program, the Medicare supplemental insurance plan in Arizona is designed to be purchased as a independent program. It does have the option to be purchased in combination with original Medicare.
For beneficiaries in Arizona who would want to get the independent purchasing coverage, might need to consider changing from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan.

Medicare United Through The States

A medical supplemental insurance plan in Arizona is the same when compared to that of Michigan. Here, the insurance plan is lettered up to the tone of 10 standardized letters. These ten standardized letters are available across the country, and each letter offers the same benefit with little regard to the insurance company providing it. Among other letters, the most common letter that is available nationwide is Medigap Plan F. This is the most common available medical insurance plan in Arizona.

The cost may vary depending on the particular company providing each of these benefits. While coverage may not include additional care such as prescription, hearing, vision, and or dental care, it, however, covers insurance while on a trip abroad.

Also similar to what is tenable in Michigan, Medicare supplemental insurance beneficiaries have the choice to enroll in Medicare supplement plan in Arizona during their six-month Medical supplemental insurance open enrollment period, which often begins on the first day of the month that one clocks their 65th year birthday.

During the Medigap enrollment period in Arizona, companies are prohibited from refusing beneficiaries the coverage that is owed to them, neither are they able to charge outrageous premiums to beneficiaries through their pre-existing medical conditions. And after the six-month enrollment period, beneficiaries would have to enroll in a Medigap Plan. However, coverage for pre-existing medical conditions would cease to be a working condition.

How to Choose Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan in Arizona

As previously stated, Arizona Medigap plan coverage are found to be similar to the different lettered plans in Michigan but the cost of the program can vary depending on the insurance company that is involved. Also, beneficiaries should choose a plan that has their needs regarding of coverage options. After that, beneficiaries can shop for different plans that are still within their single plan type, all based on the cost of the program.

eMedicare Supplemental Insurance is based in United States and has many knowledgeable, licensed agents ready to help you choose a supplemental health plan. We can also help you with any questions you have regarding Medicare and supplemental health care. Feel free to call us at 1-877-202-9248 or visit our website at

How Frequently Should I Make Changes On a Website?

Everyone who owns a website is always questioning how often their site should be updated but website updates are not created equal. When it comes to types of updates you have content updates, application updates and site revises, and then the mother of all updates the site re-launch. I will say it and say it again the importance of refreshing your website design with new content and upgrades and, yes, every so often you should redesign and re-launch your business website.
The amount of updating depends on various considerations.

How frequent to add new content to your website or blog

The updating requirements are very different from each to each website since the purpose of a website is so diverse. You can’t expect a corporate blog to be updated as often as a regular blog or a regular blog as often as a news or sports blog. We have separated websites into 4 categories when discussing website updating and blog management.

Outdated web design

If the design of your web site is stuck in the past from a decade or more ago, then you should consider a refresh. We live in a world with web technologies changing as fast as smart phones and TV’s. There are new ways to speed up your website and even rank better with Search Engine Optimization. The best route for a website is using a custom coded website you can implement all your ideas and new tech to reach your target audience.

Category 1 - Sports / Fashion / Celebrity / Tech / Lifestyle / Financial / Newspaper / Magazines
For Websites or blogs that work with popular topics in relation to sports, fashions and this category, updating with new information several times per day is crucial for their success. There is no limit to the number of updates and generally the more the better. This is because most of their visits are coming from repeating visitors, Google news and social media. Postings are usually short and to the point and contain a lot of images.

Category 2- Normal Websites / Blogs
In this category you expect to find personal web development blogs, how-to style blogs, informational blogs, wiki, marketing, weight loss, studies, analytics, travel tips, reviews and many more. In this, 3 updates per week are a qualified amount; there is no need to update daily unless of course you have the time and energy to fulfill the task.

Category 3 - Corporate Website / Blog
A website that displays a company and the products/services it is offering are called business websites. They are among the most difficult types of websites to update frequently because once the initial setup has been made and information about the company is published, you don’t really need to publish anything again, unless new products get released. Then in this situation, you would want to blog about it.

Category 4 - eCommerce Store
Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your online store and it is more simple than it sounds. You can publish Articles / Videos on how to use a product online, or detailed product reviews, announcement about new products, changes to existing products, special offers and any upcoming events.

The easiest thing to remember about this type of blog is that the best time to do updates is everytime you have new high quality content to publish.

the reason you should update your website frequently

It drives your SEO
Search engines enjoys content and especially new content. They want you to have long quality posts in their index to satisfy their users. A website that is updated regularly is crawled more often, has more pages in the index and more chances to boost SEO.

It amplifies social media
If you are using social media marketing to promote your blog, often times the problem that destroys your effort is lack of content. Updating a website on a regular basis will give you fuel for your social media promotions.

It’s good for your users
Websites are meant to serve users and giving users fresh content makes them happier. A happy user will most likely come back, convert, register, buy or recommend your website to other people.

Updating your website for users shows your business is still active.

We offer Web Design services in Brighton, Michigan and around Livingston County. We are Creative Programs and Systems! We have been designing custom websites before templates or wordpress were a thing! Make your company stand out with a custom web site. Call us today for a free quote at 810-224-5252 or visit our website at